These Are The Harper Government Nasty Crap Files Title

These Are The Harper Government Nasty Crap Files Choice Little Criticisms of Conservative Arrogance, Lies and Stupidity

The Components of Character - Stephen and His Government Run Short

Trustworthiness. Respect. Responsibility. Fairness. Caring. Citizenship.

The standards of conduct that arise out of these values constitute the ground rules of ethics.

The Conservatives Obviously Skipped That Class

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Some More Well Deserved Journalistic Ass Chewing

Journalists Avoid the Hard Question!
They only scrape the surface and don't get to the root of the problem. 
Big Pharma
They have a great Big Problem - Marijuana Works.
Profits are threatened - They don't like it 
Tough shit!
Big Pharma has a big bankroll and money buys people!
The gears are already grinding!

  Ref: Med pot blowback-Did RCMP push feds to farm out medical weed production?

Dear Ms. Peesker and Now:

When you write an article on Medical Marijuana try doing a little research first. All of what you reported is old news and mostly ungrounded suspicion..

You want reality go to my Blog at .

The RCMP is a pipsqueak player in the game. They do what they are told they can do with no repercussion from the big boys! It’s a safe game for them, they’re covered: doubt me? G8/G20 cop brutality has been delayed until its “Rapture time” when nobody will give a damn. It’s Big Pharma and Harper who have scared the Doctors shitless with their vindictive persecution and phoney prosecution of DR. Rob Kamermans. If any doctor now backs Medical Marijuana there goes his CMA Medical Research money plus all of his medical files, his Practice and his Reputation. No way Jose!

If you’re a good reporter why don’t you tell me what legal loophole allows access to the secret confidential information in 4000+ separate individual Medical files on the basis of one single search warrant. You can’t and neither can anyone else because if you ask you get nothing but bullshit and evasion from every agency concerned: Justice, Law, Police, privacy, medicine or health.

This reprimand is mild. You’re just damned lucky you didn’t get one like Nicole O’Reilly at the Hamilton Spec.

Blaine Barrett

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

The Canadian Medical Association is Failing All Medical Patients

The Canadian Medical Association is Failing All Medical Patients
The Simple Truth

Protect Your Private Medical Details From the Cops?
The CMA can’t be Bothered!

I truly did not want to do this but the CMA and its new President Dr. Anna Reid called my hand. I don’t bluff

I have twice requested that she and the CMA simply advise me whether the invasion of 4000 medical files of Dr. Rob Kamermans was legal or not? If not what were they going to do about it? It appeared to me to be a clear violation of the CMA Policy regarding Third party access to Medical files without the consent of the patient. They have simply ignored me despite the matter being referred to their Legal Department who also have decided they can chuck me into the circular file.

Well, hold on boys. I wasn’t bluffing when I threatened to wave your dirty linen to get the stink out. You don’t give a shit about a major violation of Patients’ privacy, I don’t give a shit about yours.
The manner in which the following questions were posed to you, and your failure to answer is a perfect display of egocentric arrogant conceited “Assholism” beyond medical help. You’re all doomed to die with your head up your ass.

Too good to talk to the common people are you?

The distribution of this letter guarantees it will make a great number aware of the fact.
 The best part is when my readership reads this; they’ll all snicker like shit.

I love it. Isn’t Freedom of Speech great?

To all you current readers read on. It’s and enjoyable expose of “Assholism” surgery or the “Anal Resection and Head Extraction Procedure”. It was wise to remove it from your recommended procedures: it never did work!
Read on you spectators
Blaine Barrett

121004- Letter to Canadian Medical Association

To: Canadian Medical Association                                         04/10/2012
Attn: Dr. Anna Reid- President
The Persecution of Dr. Kamermans, and Violation of Medical Confidentiality
Dear Dr. Reid:
I regret the necessity of contacting you directly but I have no option given the importance of both matters referenced above.
With reference to Dr. Kamermans I truly believe that the CMA was a prime participant in his ruination. As soon as the news of his arrest on Marijuana related charges was made, the CMA made a couple of comments that effectively sent him to Coventry and isolated him from any support from the Medical Community. I also have come to believe that this was part of the calculated creation of a sacrificial lamb. In conjunction with the Government, Cops, The College of Physicians of Ontario the CMA has managed to ruin the man and ruin his practice, smear an excellent reputation, and is still costing him a fortune to defend himself from a bunch of phoney trumped up allegations.
The CMA is to be congratulated: they obtained their goal. Their conspiring and coordinated actions have created a deterrent to any doctor signing any application for Medical Marijuana. Ruination by Allegation has created a deterrent with the Power of a nuclear warhead. I truly believe that the deterrent will prove as effective as the Crucifixion of Christ. Given the prior fear of doctors and scarcity of doctors to fill the need for signatures, the Marihuana Medical Access Program is dead. The fact that the 20,000 Licensees who have approved Medical problems with severe acceptable symptoms are now going to be forced to hunt for an affordable source doesn’t concern the CMA.
Now why is that?
Because the CMA has had its head up its ass since 2003 when they adopted the current CMA Policy on Marijuana. Ten years later you’re still opposed for the same reasons: unknown medical benefits and hazards. Apparently the CMA has studiously ignored all the scientific studies of the past decade and can’t find any hazards from its use. It must really be a downer when you sanction the prescribing of heroin, morphine and cocaine: all fatal killers on the street but can’t find one death from a marijuana overdose.
Unfortunately there is no way to rectify the damage done to Dr. Kamermans, it can’t be undone. All I can do as this point is ask you as the new President to use your influence to change CMA policy to reflect some of the findings of the past decade. Somehow of covert scientific investigation. If you should like to find some scientific studies to review as to comparison with your asinine double-blind insistence, as with pharmaceuticals, I suggest you go to Granny’s List at
This is a small downloadable list of 686 pages of scientific studies related to the effects of marijuana: it might wake you up as to how little you know.
This is the end of my wakeup lecture re marijuana based persecution based on medieval concepts.
Now to a much more serious matter:  Medical Confidentiality and its Violation
Ever since I heard of the invasion of Dr. Kamermans office and the seizure of his Medical Records I have been trying to find out just how the Harperites could justify such a violation of Personal Privacy. There is no information available. I have tried the Government, the Cops and the Media. Nada!.
I just asked the College of Physicians of Ontario the same question I now ask you.
Why are you not protesting the confiscation, invasion, and retention of the 4000 of Dr. Kamermans Patient Files for the past nine months?
I have checked CMA POLICY: THE MEDICAL RECORD: CONFIDENTIALITY, ACCESS AND DISCLOSURE (UPDATE 2000) regarding the handling of Medical Records and nowhere can I find justification for the release of one patient file without grounds for the warrant based on a direct relationship to its contents. The mass seizure and invasion of files on the basis of suspicion of some alleged misdemeanour should be opposed with great vigour. As I understand the law, the files themselves are the property of the doctor but the file contents and all the information in those files is the property of the patient and is not to be violated or revealed. Please advise if I am wrong in that regard. I thought you would be interested in protecting the personal private secrets of Patients in your files. Do you yourself have a Medical Record kept in your Doctor's office? Do you want one of Vic Toews spies going through your personal file looking for something as important as terrorist or pervert information? No? I thought not. Dr. Kamermans offence    minus the political exaggeration and hooplaw is simply an alleged crime the equivalent of a traffic ticket. I don't want our Minister of Public Safety, that self confessed adulterer going through my personal files. He has recently shown his ability to lie distort and slander with great zeal i.e. Omar Khadre, Justin Trudeau, Internet Privacy and on and on...
I thought every CMA member would be protected by the Old Boys Club if a bunch of Cops and political assholes decided to invade and confiscate any members Confidential patient files. Is that not one of the aims of the Association or is there some legal loophole that justifies this atrocity to be committed without comment from you. If there is no such loophole, 9 months later without a murmur of protest from the CMA I can only conclude that either you don’t give a damn about confidentiality or Harpo`s somehow leveraged your silence. Go figure!
I and every patient of a CMA member deserve an explanation about just how secure is our personal medical information if it’s in the office of our doctor.
Can you provide one?
Please advise ASAP
Blaine Barrett

After waiting patiently for four weeks, I sent a follow up e-mail

Violation of Medical Confidentiality
To: Canadian Medical Association                                         October 31, 2012
Attn: Dr. Anna Reid- President
Follow up to my E-mail of October 4, 2012

Dear Dr. Reid or whoever is reading this in her stead:

It has now been three weeks and you have not seen fit to answer my question about the violation of medical Confidentiality related to the mass seizure of records in the Kamermans arrest.

You should not have dismissed me so lightly: Once again

Was the seizure, invasion, and retention of the files done according to the Law?

Do you know the answer or not?

Either you know or you don’t:

  1. If you know, what legal grounds did the Police have to seize, invade and retain Dr. Kamermans files? All you have to do is cite me chapter and verse of what deranged law they used and you’re off the hook.

  1. If you don’t know, what are you doing to find out? I believe that the authorities broke the law when they took those files and since your organization is supposed to be protecting the Medical profession and its reputation, what are you advising my Doctor if the Cops come to his door and want to take a look in my file? Is my information vulnerable? What does the warrant have cite as authority.

I don’t want to be confrontational but if you don’t reply to me within two weeks, there will be consequences:
  1. My original request for advice and assistance,
  2. This follow up second request and warning, and
  3. A suitably nasty cover letter
Will be sent to every MP, about 200 editors, published in my blog and shared with every friend I can find.

One thing we still have in this country is Freedom of Speech and I use it.

Please advise

Blaine Barrett
Not surprisingly this got a response as follows:

Nadeau, Chantal  to me Nov 2 (2 days ago)
Dear Sir,
I would like to acknowledge receipt of your email and let you know that it has been sent to the CMA Legal department for appropriate review and consideration.
Kind regards,
Chantal Nadeau
Executive Assistant, Office of the President | Adjointe exécutive, Bureau du président
Canadian Medical Association | Association médicale canadienne
1867, prom.
Alta Vista Dr., Ottawa, ON  K1G 5W8
Tel: (613) 731-8610 ext/poste 2188 | Fax: (613) 731-7314 |
To which I replied on Nov 09, 2012

To: Canadian Medical Association

Attn: Ms. Chantal Nadeau- Executive Assistant, Office of the President

Dear Ms. Nadeau:                

S’mee again:

Sorry to bother you again but:

Thank you for your referral to the CMA Legal department on Nov 2 (as you advised following.)

You might want to give them a prod. They haven’t seen fit to acknowledge me of their receipt of your referral and they’ve now blown one week of the two I allowed for a response from CMA.

You might want to suggest they pay some attention, review it, consider it and answer it before next Friday or I conclude I’m up against a bunch of overpaid shyster lawyers who have decided to be confrontational and are dying to get the CMA sliced up in my blog and on Facebook, Twitter and the whole 9 yards.

All I want is a simple understandable answer to my questions.

Chantal, I don’t like having you in the middle of this and I’m sorry for my adversarial approach but nothing else has given me the answer. Reality is I have nothing at risk or to lose and the CMA has a reputation to protect. I suggest the lawyers get off their ass and protect it.
In anticipation of a response

Blaine Barrett
As for showing displeasure with their stuck up attitude, might be inclined to give them a poke in the ass.
One easy way is copy and paste an e-mail

 CMA address is
A simple Subject line might be
Would be nice, and just One question as content

What are you doing to protect the privacy of my personal data?
Please advise.

Your name or insult

Not that I would ever ask anyone to do something like that, but you have to admit it would be interesting to give it a shot.

Ask-No: Beg- Maybe

We shall see

Friday, 30 November 2012

How to Chew out an Asshole! Magnificent Truths that Hurt!

Bullshit Journalism Exposed
I love it. Blaine
Hamilton Spectator 905-526-3199   Friday, November 30th, 2012.
To the Editor.

Attention: Ms. Nicole O'Reilly         
Re:  -Tough economic times lead to spin stories and sensationalism to sell news papers.  -Guilty because you know a friend, of a friend, of a friend or by mere association?-Change Hamilton Spectator's name? -Lawsuit for defamation? -Eagle Beaver Theory?
Dear Ms. O'Reilly
According to your standards of research and professionalism, I may as well plead guilty now to being directly or indirectly guilty of criminal ties to a notorious Hamilton criminal organization.  I should of known better to get involved with alleged Kingpin, Mr. Andre Gravelle, 48.  Even though I have never met this individual, I could be involved according to your idle speculation, because some people with the same last name as Mr. Andre Gravelle, attended Dr. Kamermans office in Coe Hill, Ontario
 I am also a patient of Dr. Kamermans and a father of 5 children.  Maybe I rubbed shoulders with some of Mr. Gravelles’ suspected criminal comrades in the waiting room?  I was also the Assistant Coordinator of Debbie Mahaffy's action group and a registered investigator for the Canadian Institute for Political Integrity.  I am the individual who brought in legislation for a National Witness Protection Program into Canada.  That noble effort took over 7 years and cost my family over $100,000.00 dollars.  Dr. Kamermans and his staff have been both courteous and professional anytime I visited his office.  With my background of fighting back, if I observed anything that did not follow professional protocol, I would of filed a formal complaint. 
 Do you think your groundless, written statement published in the Hamilton Spectator yesterday, could damage Dr. Kamerman's character or reputation?  If it was my vote, Ms. Nicole O'Reilly, a lawsuit for defamation for your libelous accusations of criminal association would be filed for damages, forthwith.  Fortunately, for the Hamilton Spectator, Dr. Kamermans and his family are peaceful souls with kind hearts.  They are patiently waiting for the wheels of justice to turn so they can be exonerated.  According to your level of handicraft, all doctor's in Ontario should be charged because some of their patients lied to them.  Before Dr. Kamermans approved any of his patients for a medical marijuana prescription, they first signed their John Henry, disclosing their ailments and medical history. Unfortunately, some patients lie.  Maybe in a future article you could apologize to Dr. Kamermans and his family and in turn suggest that lie detector machines be installed in all Doctor's offices.  At least in the Hamilton area, were pain killers like Hillbilly Heroin (Oxycontin) addiction is so prevalent.

I witnessed first hand how the media can suck the blood from people to make a profit.  I witnessed the hardships of Debbie Mahaffy after losing her daughter Leslie, by way of rape, torture and murder by killer Paul Bernardo and his wife Karla Homolka.  Blood in the street sells newspapers and so does mob stories.  Maybe you could suggest your paper be renamed from the Hamilton Spectator to: -The Hamilton Spice - Add spice to your life?  Give readers 80% facts and spice up the other 20%.-The Hamilton Manure Spreader-  (Blankets your article, Ms. O"Reilly.)-Hamilton Spin Doctors.  -Hamilton Tabloid. 
Your mischievous article may not of been as damaging if it were titled under  'The Gossip Column'.  Not presented as a statement of fact by a responsible reporter.

-Hamilton Speculation.  Newspapers can do a lot of good to help a community but can be very destructive in the hands of bullies.  Your conjectural writing may as well of been authorized by a school yard bully.   

Please be careful of the motives of your confidential informants.  This also includes your police contacts.  The hard working officers on the street do a great job most of the time.  The higher ranking officers are metamorphosed/transmutationed into politicians who focus on protecting political power instead of the average person. Any law changes that could affect police man hours or pension contributions and they are not well received.  Would you do your job if it meant putting yourself out of your job?  The 40 year war on drugs is a lie.  It is nothing but a make work programand pension contributor for law enforcement.
The Eagle Beaver Theory:  a few years back, what was changing or happening in the United States took approximately 10 years to happen in Canada.  With all the advances in technology, we are changing at a faster rate of 12 to 24 months behind the U.S..  More and more of the States in the U.S. are decriminalizing marijuana and recognizing its medical benefits.  When the dust settles, I believe Dr. Kamermans will be found innocent of all charges by a jury of his peers. Dr. Kamermans will then standout as a pioneer and hero to many for enduring such an uphill climb. 
Thank you for your time, help and concern. 
Please convey my concerns to your Editor.
Sincerely yours,
Donald Jessome

Thursday, 29 November 2012

The distribution of drug related deaths registered in the UK 2010

The distribution of drug related deaths registered in the UK 2010
  • Excluding deaths caused by polydrug use shows that almost all deaths reported as mephedrone deaths, cannabis deaths and ecstasy deaths were misreported in the media. Most were caused by other drugs or mixing with other drugs (such as alcohol). The data in fact shows that there have only ever been two deaths in the UK solely caused by mephedrone  (both last year). There were in fact only five deaths solely related to ecstasy and two deaths solely related to cannabis. This compares to 98 deaths solely caused by paracetamol and 157 deaths solely caused by antidepressants. The major insight from this data is that it is very often dangerous to mix your drugs and it is particularly dangerous to mix drugs with alcohol.
Deaths in 2010
Heroin and Morphine
All Antidepressants
        Tricyclic Antidepressants
    Dothiepin (Antidepressant)
    Amtriptyline (Antidepressant
MAOI’s (Antidepressant)
SSRI’s (Antidepressant)
    Citalopram (Antidepressant)
Other Antidepressants
All benzodiazepines
    Temazepam (benzodiazepine)
    Diazepam (benzodiazepine)
    Nitrazepam (benzodiazepine)
Zopiclone/Zolpidem (Insomnia)
Antipsychotics (BNF 4.2.1)
All Amphetamines
    MDMA/ Ecstacy

Source: Office of National Statistics
This compares to 81,400 tobacco deaths and 8,644 alcohol deaths last year. The ONS records alcohol and tobacco deaths differently from “drug deaths” so suicides and deaths such as road traffic accidents while under the influence  aren’t actually included in the alcohol death statistics but they are included in the drug death statistics making the real disparity even wider than is apparent here.

Table Of Iatrogenic Deaths In The United States

Table Of Iatrogenic Deaths In The United States

(Deaths induced inadvertently by a physician or surgeon or by medical treatment or diagnostic procedures)

Adverse Drug Reactions
$12 billion
Lazarou (1) Suh (49)
Medical error
$2 billion
IOM (6)
$55 billion
Xakellis (7) Barczak (8)
$5 billion
Weinstein (9) MMWR (10)
Nurses Coalition (11)
$77 billion
Starfield ( 12) Weingart (1, 12)
Unnecessary Procedures
$122 billion
HCUP(3, 13)
$9 billion
$282 billion

$282 billion
We could have an even higher death rate by using Dr. Lucien Leape's 1997 medical and drug error rate of 3 million. (14) Multiplied by the fatality rate of 14 percent (that Leape used in 1994 (16) we arrive at an annual death rate of 420,000 for drug errors and medical errors combined. If we put this number in place of Lazorou's 106,000 drug errors and the Institute of Medicine's (IOM) 98,000 medical errors, we could add another 216,000 deaths making a total of 999,936 deaths annually.
ADR/med error
$200 billion
Leape 1997(14)

Annual Unnecessary Medical Events

Unnecessary Events
People Affected
Iatrogenic Events
8.9 million(4)
1.78 million(16)
7.5 million(3)
1.3 million(40)
16.4 million
3.08 million
The enumerating of unnecessary medical events is very important in our analysis. Any medical procedure that is invasive and not necessary must be considered as part of the larger iatrogenic picture. Unfortunately, cause and effect go unmonitored. The figures on unnecessary events represent people ("patients") who are thrust into a dangerous health care system. They are helpless victims. Each one of these 16.4 million lives is being affected in a way that could have a fatal consequence. Simply entering a hospital could result in the following (out of 16. 4 million people):
  • 2.1 percent chance of a serious adverse drug reaction (186,000) (1)
  • 5 percent to 6 percent chance of acquiring a nosocomial [hospital] infection (489,500) (9)
  • 4 percent to 36 percent chance of having an iatrogenic injury in hospital (medical error and adverse drug reactions) (1.78 million) (16)
  • 17 percent chance of a procedure error (1.3 million) (40)
All the statistics above represent a one-year time span. Imagine the numbers over a 10-year period. Working with the most conservative figures from our statistics we project the following 10-year death rates.

Medical Intervention

Projected Ten-Year Death Rates
10-Year Deaths
Adverse Drug Reaction
1.06 million
Medical error
0.98 million
1.15 million
Nosocomial Infection
0.88 million
1.09 million
1.99 million
Unnecessary Procedures
7,841,360 (7.8 million)
Our projected statistic of 7.8 million iatrogenic deaths is more than all the casualties from wars that America has fought in its entire history.
Our projected figures for unnecessary medical events occurring over a 10-year period are also dramatic.

Unnecessary Intervention

Projected Ten-Year Statistics
Unnecessary Events
10-Year Number
Iatrogenic Events
89 million
17 million
75 million
13 million
164 million
30 million
These projected figures show that a total of 164 million people, approximately 56 percent of the population of the United States, have been treated unnecessarily by the medical industry—in other words, nearly 50,000 people per day.