These Are The Harper Government Nasty Crap Files Title

These Are The Harper Government Nasty Crap Files Choice Little Criticisms of Conservative Arrogance, Lies and Stupidity

The Components of Character - Stephen and His Government Run Short

Trustworthiness. Respect. Responsibility. Fairness. Caring. Citizenship.

The standards of conduct that arise out of these values constitute the ground rules of ethics.

The Conservatives Obviously Skipped That Class

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Some More Well Deserved Journalistic Ass Chewing

Journalists Avoid the Hard Question!
They only scrape the surface and don't get to the root of the problem. 
Big Pharma
They have a great Big Problem - Marijuana Works.
Profits are threatened - They don't like it 
Tough shit!
Big Pharma has a big bankroll and money buys people!
The gears are already grinding!

  Ref: Med pot blowback-Did RCMP push feds to farm out medical weed production?

Dear Ms. Peesker and Now:

When you write an article on Medical Marijuana try doing a little research first. All of what you reported is old news and mostly ungrounded suspicion..

You want reality go to my Blog at .

The RCMP is a pipsqueak player in the game. They do what they are told they can do with no repercussion from the big boys! It’s a safe game for them, they’re covered: doubt me? G8/G20 cop brutality has been delayed until its “Rapture time” when nobody will give a damn. It’s Big Pharma and Harper who have scared the Doctors shitless with their vindictive persecution and phoney prosecution of DR. Rob Kamermans. If any doctor now backs Medical Marijuana there goes his CMA Medical Research money plus all of his medical files, his Practice and his Reputation. No way Jose!

If you’re a good reporter why don’t you tell me what legal loophole allows access to the secret confidential information in 4000+ separate individual Medical files on the basis of one single search warrant. You can’t and neither can anyone else because if you ask you get nothing but bullshit and evasion from every agency concerned: Justice, Law, Police, privacy, medicine or health.

This reprimand is mild. You’re just damned lucky you didn’t get one like Nicole O’Reilly at the Hamilton Spec.

Blaine Barrett

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