These Are The Harper Government Nasty Crap Files Title

These Are The Harper Government Nasty Crap Files Choice Little Criticisms of Conservative Arrogance, Lies and Stupidity

The Components of Character - Stephen and His Government Run Short

Trustworthiness. Respect. Responsibility. Fairness. Caring. Citizenship.

The standards of conduct that arise out of these values constitute the ground rules of ethics.

The Conservatives Obviously Skipped That Class

Sunday, 14 October 2012

I want The Right to Die A Dignified Peaceful Death.

Harper and the Harpocrite Ideologues Don’t!

Harper is appealing the Gloria Taylor Euthanasia decision to the Supreme Court and that is stupid and obstructive because I want more freedom than that to decide when my life ends. I don’t want my eligibility to end my life subject to a bunch of pointless regulations that only allow it in case of pain and suffering and a doctor’s consent. What nobody seems to point out is that the mental pain of loneliness, isolation and depression because of the loss of self image and perceived worth can be more painful than physical pain. Mental competency and the ability to express the wish to die are all that should be necessary is to demand a little white pill to end it all.
I take a look at the future possible for every 60 year old in the next 40 tears and it’s scary
It looks like we’re going to be looking at a life span of 100 years and getting there is going to be no fun. Just having enough money after retirement to maintain a survival level of living is going to be a real problem. Finding shelter given the lack of enough long term care facilities to handle the coming herd of old fogies the Boomers are turning into, is going to be another. Nobody is preparing for that 

If you are 60 years old or better, or even 50, take a look at all the good things that are around you that make your life worth living. You are going to lose them all over the next decades. The worst future I can imagine for myself is to be 95, incapable of caring for myself, bed bound, dependant on strangers for my daily survival and widely aware and awake. You suddenly begin to think about your own worth and what the purpose in your life is and realize there is none. At this point any connection to anyone who has any idea of who you are, or were: what you’ve done or failed to accomplish. is gone. You are simply an expense because you are completely unable to contribute anything and the money spent keeping you in that lousy captive existence could be better spent trying to handle the flood of Alzheimer’s patients who will need caring for.

When I reach the point and decide to die I simply want to express the wish and be able to accomplish it. I don’t want to commit suicide and I don’t want anyone responsible for my death. All they need is the firing squad method. Six pills, 2 lethal: give them to six people; choose random pairs and have one a pair of gibe me my sleeping pills three nights in a row. I will never know when I got it and no one can be held responsible. That is the point. I will have achieved my objective of a surprise departure in a peaceful, painless dignified manner.

It happens: You Croak!!
Regardless of your faith, or lack of it, we all will now find out if God and Heaven exist. You either wake up to golden lights and the Heavenly Choir singing Gloria, Gloria, In Excelsis Deo, or you don’t wake up. One thing certain is: either way, you won’t be bothered by the result.
We’re all going to Peace, calm and quiet, so help push the Right to Die to the maximum.

What do you think about the whole darn thing? Pro or con let me know! Make an anonymous comment if necessary or e-mail me. I never reveal identities and you can be sure I will honour that pledge.
Hoping you’ve got food for thought,
Ruminate well 

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